'You're beautiful just the way you are'- say many, but a few mean when they say. The notion of beauty is ever-changing. Concepts like self-beauty, acceptance are widely acknowledged. And yet, I see so many Instagram users falling for models and influencers promoting thinner waistlines and six abs, as the only definition of beauty. Instagram is a significant global platform to showcase your fitness through pictures and videos. Being primarily accepted by the young and the adult, it can reshape individuals' thoughts and take on life. There is no harm in revealing your positives and boosting your confidence with a greater reach. However, have you ever thought of the impact you might have on an individual's mind? I remember a post wherein an influencer posed a slimmed-up body encouraging everyone to begin with a keto diet. It might work for one or two, but is it ethical to encourage everyone to do so? Such content builds up an inferiority complex within indivi...